The journey of Roshni to establish herself

The journey of Roshni to establish herself

Roshni Karki is a model and a theatre artist, born in the Bhojpur district of Eastern Nepal. She studied in Ilam up-to secondary level and came to Kathmandu for further studies. Currently, she is pursuing Bachelor's in Humanities.

When she came to Kathmandu, she got into the theatre with the help of a brother from her own place. As a child, she wanted to make a career as a dancer but after she joined theatre, she was immensely into it. She said, "While doing theatre, I found all those colleagues to be very friendly and they were no less than my family members."

While initiating her career in this sector, she had to face many obstacles but she was motivated by the people around her. She admitted that she had to suffer physically and emotionally because she was being unable to give time to look after herself. She said, "I faced a lot of problems while starting my career but when I saw other people with bigger problems than mine, I was convinced that I can overcome every hurdle that are trying to drag me down."

After four years of her involvement in theatre, she was only then noticed by the producers and directors for the music videos. Many people appreciated her as an actor from the very first music video she worked in.

She gets appreciated by the audience because of the projects, she works in. She chooses projects that reflect the image of a society or any other good stories that intend to leave a good impact on the audiences. Regarding this topic, she said, "While choosing work, I go for the works that carry the significance to reflect the society." Her music video 'Lilu' depicts the story of a village girl who was raped and killed while following 'Chhaupadi Pratha'. Most of the videos she worked on have crossed millions of views on Youtube. Some of the famous music videos, she worked in are 'Jam Bho Maili' by Prakash Dutraj, 'Ma Hase Haschheu Ra' by Devendra Bablu, and 'Ma Ta Parkheko Parkhei Chhu' by Prakash Saput.

Despite music videos, she has also worked in short films like 'Samajik Sanjal' with Maha Jodi and 'Chhithi' with Sushil Pokhrel' that focused on giving social messages.

Recently, she was seen on the big screen in the film 'Halkara'. Even her screen presence was very less, she gave her best as an actress. The role she was given by the team to perform, was undoubtedly appreciated by the audiences during the premiere of the film.

While we tried to talk with her about her upcoming projects, she denied to open up about that topic but gave a hint that the audience will soon see her on the big screen. She informed me that she is not afraid to try new challenges and roles as an actor but to find a new field to work in, except acting is not on her list.
