Permission to review the case of Paul Shah's sexual assault has been granted by the Supreme Court

Permission to review the case of Paul Shah's sexual assault has been granted by the Supreme Court

The case regarding  Paul Shah who was released by high court and district court in the allegation of sexually assulting a minor is being reviewed by Supreme Court. 

The office of Attorney General has filed the petition to review the case in opposition to the decision of High Court. The Supreme Court on Dec 8 has granted permission to review the case as per the petition .

The case has now will be reviewed by Supreme Court.The judge from Pokhara High Court declared him not guilty stating that the evidience provided were insufficiant in the case against him. The High Court judge, despite a careful review and flawed legal interpretations, acquitted the accused in the mionr's sexual assult case. A request to reconsider the case in the Supreme Court was made, arguing against the principles on which the Supreme court based its decision. 

The Supreme Court's order states, "Considering that evidence such as the victim's statement, defendant's statement, medical examination report, doctor's certificate, audio recording between the victim and the defendant, and the admission made by the defendant in Section 11 of the court's statement, have not been appropriately evaluated in the decision of the Pokhara High Court, and there aew substantive legal errors in the interpretation of the Evidence Act and the Muluki Criminal Code as well as conflicting principles presented by the Supreme Court, permission has been granted to review the case. 

After being acquitted by the Tanahu District Court and Pokhara High Court, actor Paul Shah was released on February 27 last year.
